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Greetings Friend
I've been on many journeys in life - sometimes, I found my way to peace; other times, I found myself in trials, errors, and tears. Still, I always found peace and contentment when I turned to the Word of God and followed my unique path and the voice of the Holy Spirit, regardless of what the world thought. Here is a little more of my journey.
Living in fear and worry most of my life, I realized I had no joy and continuously faltered physically, emotionally, and spiritually. God heard my prayers and sent a woman to my small bookshop; she became a dear friend with a heart for Jesus, who opened my eyes to the Bible and the power of the Word of God.
My friend was unique in her ways; she was an herbalist, and her unconditional love for people reminded me of how Jesus would have been when He was here on earth.
She taught me many life lessons, especially facing my fears; she had named me "Clear Heart," for God had gifted me with a unique ability to see things "clearly." I was happy for the first time because I had found the person God created me to be. I was on my path to peace.
My friend passed unexpectedly, and as the years went on, I stopped reading the Word, praying, and sitting in God's presence; everyday life became the priority. I took the wrong steps and opened my life and family to ungodly people and beliefs.
My health failed; I was diagnosed with numerous autoimmune diseases. I was depressed and lost. After hitting rock bottom and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I recommitted my life to Jesus. I started meditating on God's Word and completed a Master's in Christian Counseling and a Doctorate in Ministry.
While traversing these life lessons, God blessed me with a heart's desire to write and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, penned "Journeys to Peace - A Parable of Love, Forgiveness & Grace." Long ago, God placed in my heart a deep concern for First Nation people, and in the book, I share many teachings from my dear friend through the eyes of a young Native woman. I have learned that it is only through Jesus that we can live a life of love, forgiveness, and grace.
After completing my doctorate, God led me to publish my thesis, "Restoration of Hearts - Unity in the Body of Christ Through Contextualization." The hypothesis was a continuation of my empathy for First Nation people. Native people have been alienated, rejected, and misunderstood for far too long. These beautiful people have been unwelcome in the Christian world and churches throughout history. Restoration of Hearts proves they can belong in the Christian world and embrace their heritage by aligning traditions to the Word. Unity on earth as it will be in heaven!
My journey to healing body, soul, and spirit continues as I mature, knowing the Word of God is the answer to all situations. I have often lost focus on the Word, which resulted in challenging times, but God is faithful, loving, and forgiving. Day by day, I desire a fruitful life; it is just a matter of correct choices and living under the grace of God.
​God's Blessings and Peace ~
Living Every Day With A "Clear Heart" For God
Author - Journeys to Peace -
A Parable of Love, Forgiveness & Grace
Author - Restoration of Hearts - Unity in the Body Christ Through Contextualization
Doctorate of Ministry
Newburgh Theological Seminary & College Bible
Master of Ministry - Christian Counseling
International Seminary
Recipient Entrepreneur Center Business Plan Award
Recipient Utica College Alex Haley Journalism Award
Wellness Advocate doTerra
Advocate for First Nation People
Advocate of Healing the Body, Soul and Spirit
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